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Celebration of World Food Safety Day at Lluch Essence

Once again, Lluch Essence celebrates World Food Safety Day, this year under the theme: “Food Standards Save Lives.” It is our responsibility to produce and supply safe products and be prepared to act quickly and effectively in exceptional situations, using all necessary resources to prevent harm to consumers. In line with our food culture plan, […]

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SIMPPAR Exhibition

On the 28th and 29th of May we attended the Simppar fair, international exhibition of raw materials for perfumery, which this year for the first time was held in Grasse. For Lluch Essence this is a reference event and we have taken the opportunity to present some novelties and products that have been very much […]

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Interview to celebrate International Recycling Day

Today,  May 17th, we celebrate World Recycling Day, an occasion to reflect on the importance and potential of recycling in our society. We spoke to Maribel Núñez and Cristina Melgar, from the Environment, Healthy & Safety department, about Lluch Essence’s commitment to the environment. What is Lluch Essence’s commitment to recycling and the circular economy? […]

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Flavour Talk exhibition took place in London

Last week, the Flavor Talk exhibition took place in London, known as a showcase for flavor raw materials. This marked the 14th edition of the exhibition, and it was the largest yet, featuring 33 exhibitors and drawing a significant number of visitors. The event was deemed a success. Lluch Essence was among the exhibitors. The […]

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Lluch Essence signs a collaboration agreement with Selvans

Lluch Essence is very excited to inform you that we will start collaborating with “Sèlvans”, an association whose mission is the conservation of the singular forest heritage. Moreover, it works to preserve a network of centenary forests in order to reach 10% of the Catalan forest surface in 2030, an objective aligned with the requirements […]

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Women’s Day

International women’s day is celebrated on the 8th of march. Coinciding with this date, this week Eva Padró and Judit Rovira from HR People & Culture, have participated in a workshop focused on women from Associació SaóPrat and Empresa d’Inserció SaóPrat With the aim of improving the employability of women at risk of social exclusion, […]

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¡New Lluch Portal!

We are happy to share some great news with you: We are launching the new Lluch Portal! It is a platform for customers designed with the sole objective of offering the best service. Through the link you can access a complete experience with the following features: Personalized account management:  Easily manage your account details, preferences […]

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Mercedes Saucedo: Customer Care & Process Analyst Manager

One of Lluch Essence’s core values is service. In order to improve customer service and meet their needs more efficiently, a new position has been created within the company: Customer Care & Process Analyst. We spoke with Mercedes Saucedo, who after a long career at Lluch Essence, assumes the role with enthusiasm. ¡Congratulations on the […]

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Barcelona Perfumery Congress

The Barcelona Perfumery Congress 2023 (BPC) was held on November 22nd and 23rd at La Farga Exhibition Center -L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona). It was a reference event of the fragrance industry organized by the Barcelona Beauty Cluster. It was an opportunity to network and learn about the latest trends in the sector through various conferences […]

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