Integrity, commitment and knowledge sharing drive us forward
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Our purpose

THRIVING TOGETHER: We work to create a culture of sustainable progress. Our growth will promote our stakeholder´s growth, letting us push the boundaries of the industry together.


In hindsight, José María and Alberto Lluch’s legacy was not just a solid and dynamic business, but also, and maybe more importantly, a way of working that is embedded in Lluch Essence’s DNA.

The third generation has been able to maintain the fundamental values that distinguish the company today: our expertise and commitment, supported by our closeness and respect.


OUR MISSION: The mission of Lluch Essence is to guarantee its clients an uninterrupted supply of the best essential oils, aromatic chemicals and blends for
the aroma and fragrance industry, primarily by ensuring consistent quality, top-notch traceability and excellent service that creates added value
and nurtures trust with clients and suppliers.

OUR VISION: Lluch Essence aims to be a global leader in the aromatic raw materials distribution sector, based on the principles of trust, transparency, quality
and operational excellence.
In addition, Lluch Essence aims to encourage sustainable development by promoting integrity, growth and relationships with clients and

Lluch Essence sources and provides top quality essential oils and aroma chemicals for the Flavors and Fragrances industry. From beginning to end, we ensure a wide range of high quality products, fair prices, legal compliance and fast, reliable logistics.

We care about every single thing we do, and we value the people we work with. Expertise, integrity and proximity define our way of working. Lluch Essence stands out for forging long-lasting commercial (and personal) relationships based on our reliability and our ability to team up with clients, as well as being relentless in anticipating their needs and overcoming all the challenges that each project presents.

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Our values

Passion and vision

Passion and vision in a constant search for opportunities for improvement and growth, creating long-term value.


Ideas, actions and always values aligned: the integrity gives meaning to our way to do it business.


Transparency and collaboration are essential in our DNA. A open culture us makes stronger, more capable and more wise.


Service is caring transversely all the details to maximum. We seek excellence in our products and solutions and, specially in our relationships.


Commitment with us collaborators, society and planet is and will be the basis of all our decisions.