Interview to celebrate International Recycling Day
Today, May 17th, we celebrate World Recycling Day, an occasion to reflect on the importance and potential of recycling in our society.
We spoke to Maribel Núñez and Cristina Melgar, from the Environment, Healthy & Safety department, about Lluch Essence’s commitment to the environment.
- What is Lluch Essence’s commitment to recycling and the circular economy?
Recycling and the circular economy are part of Lluch Essence’s commitment to the environment. We are aware that our activity today cannot have an impact on the future and that it is our obligation not only to comply with environmental legislation, but also to go further in all those aspects in which we can have an impact. In terms of recycling and circular economy, we always apply the concept of the waste hierarchy: this consists first of all in preventing the generation of waste, and when this is not possible, we would then move on to its reuse, recycling or recovery. Always trying to avoid the last possible option, the disposal of waste.
- How is the waste generated by the company managed?
We always manage waste according to a prior characterisation and in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations. It is managed in accordance with the waste catalogue and the recovery and/or treatment routes indicated therein. This involves, on the one hand, operational management with correct segregation, labelling and internal storage and, on the other hand, documentary management that allows full traceability of the waste until its final disposal. This management would not be possible without the collaboration of all Lluch departments.
- How is the environmental impact measured and monitored?
We measure the environmental impact through the control and monitoring of our quantitative environmental indicators, i.e. we monitor those parameters that allow us to control that our activities do not have a negative influence on our environment, detecting and correcting any possible deviation immediately. This monitoring of environmental impact is an essential part of our Environmental Management System, certified by the ISO 14001 standard.
- What prevention and reuse initiatives have been implemented?
For us it is essential to raise awareness among all the people who form part of Lluch to prevent the generation of waste. There is no better way of managing waste than not generating it. For this reason, awareness-raising sessions are held periodically at all levels to remind people of relevant aspects of waste management. In addition, EHS rounds are carried out every day to detect possible deviations from waste management procedures and, as a result, to quickly remedy them.
- What challenges does the company face on its way to greater sustainability in this respect?
Society is increasingly demanding a greater commitment from industry to the environment and sustainability. We must therefore continue to set ourselves ambitious targets for waste reduction.
More specifically, the implementation of the collective extended producer responsibility system for packaging placed on the national market will be a great challenge for us, as it will mean major changes in terms of management and traceability in the current management of empty packaging waste.
Thank you very much!