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Lluch Essence at the In-Cosmetics fair, Paris

We participated on 5 and 7 April as exhibitors at the In-cosmetics fair celebrated in Paris. At our booth Q22, located next to other Beauty Cluster companies, we had the opportunity to reconnect with customers, suppliers and industry friends. After almost two years without seeing each other’s faces, it was a pleasure to talk and […]

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7th Beauty Innovation Days

Beauty Cluster celebrated its annual cosmetic innovation event 7th Beauty Innovation Days in Barcelona on 23 and 24 February. It was an educational yet clearly business-oriented event for professionals in the cosmetics and personal care sector. With a comprehensive scientific programme and international experts, the event was the perfect international environment to discuss trends, innovations […]

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Lluch Essence, winner of the silver medal from Ecovadis

We received the result of the Ecovadis 2022 evaluation a few weeks ago, which announced that Lluch Essence has been awarded the silver medal. Our total score has jumped from 46% to 59%, putting us in an outstanding position compared to other companies in the sector. The Ecovadis sustainability index covers a wide range of […]

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The DGP organises the “Aroma e Inspiración en la Ciudad de Gaudí (Aroma and Inspiration in the City of Gaudí) symposium.

The DGP chose the city of Barcelona because the city ranks high in art and culture and for the exclusivity of the masterpieces of the famous architect Antoni Gaudí, but also because it is home to some of the fragrance industry’s major brands. The participants had the opportunity to visit some of these brands at […]

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Job forum

We participated in the XVI Foro de Empresa (Business Forum) at IQS on 9 March and 2 December to promote our Escola Lluch internship programme, which provides young people who have recently graduated or are finishing their degree the opportunity to complete an internship in the company. Several Lluch team members were with us at […]

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Meeting with the Colombian Ambassador in Spain

Thanks to our participation in Barcelona Global, we have had the opportunity to attend an exclusive private meeting with the Ambassador of Colombia in Spain, Luis Guillermo Plata, the Consul in Barcelona, Daniela Echavarría Vásquez, and Julio Rodríguez, Embassy associate. At this meeting, which lasted a couple of hours, we had the opportunity to share […]

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Lluch partners with the UIC to improve the quality of life of terminally ill patients

Lluch Essence, as a company committed to social causes and true to its values of dedication and concern for those around them, has partnered with the Clínica Universitària de Suport en Malalties Avançades i Cures Pal-liatives (University Clinic for Support in Advanced Diseases and Palliative Care) of the UIC in Sant Cugat to provide samples […]

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Visit to the lavender fields of Brihuega

Sofia Lluch had the opportunity to participate in the Summit of Academics organized by the Perfume Academy on July 7th and 8th, 2021, which was held in person. The Perfume Academy Foundation, whose mission is the dissemination of perfume culture, has celebrated the appointment of nine new academics – five women and four men – […]

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Scholarship Award Ceremony of the IQS Companies Foundation

Eva Lluch, on behalf of our company, which is a member of the IQS Companies Foundation, attended the ceremony for the awarding of the University Master’s Scholarships on  October 19th and awarded Oriol Rojas Serra the LLUCH IQS scholarship for the Master’s Degree in Analytical Chemistry for this academic year

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