XXV National Family Business Congress
Sofia and Eva Lluch attended the XXV National Family Business Congress, organized by the Family Business Institute (IEF), with the collaboration of the Extremadura Family Business Association (AEEF), which was held on 2, 3 and 4 October in Caceres (Spain).
The slogan chosen this year was “The Heartbeat of Spain”, and it wanted to express the idea that beyond the debates we are witnessing, the country moves and progresses thanks to the contribution of civil society and the more than one million family businesses that every day raise their shutters with the illusion of doing something for their community.
The official inauguration was presided over by His Majesty the King Felipe VI, and throughout the conference there were various round tables, sessions on business stories and debates of interest to the more than 500 entrepreneurs attending, from all over Spain and belonging to all sectors.