Lluch Essence, committed to driving change


At Lluch Essence we are committed to creating value with our actions. We understand that it is our responsibility to contribute to a healthier community, causing a positive impact on people, working in strategic alliances and supporting communities, through the definition of five main axes:

Occupational Safety

Occupational safety processes are top priorities for us to protect the health and safety of our employees and strategic partners.

At Lluch Essence we are committed to safety and health at work, especially with the prevention of accidents and industrial safety, providing safe and healthy working conditions, with the aim of preventing any damage or deterioration of health. We guarantee compliance with the standard, legal and regulatory commitments applicable to the products and services provided.

There is a complete planning of activities and management model in accordance with the applicable legal requirements, identifying and managing risks and opportunities, obtaining a preventive and planned system. Likewise, responses to emergency situations are planned, with the commitment to adopt the necessary procedures aimed at identifying foreseeable emergencies at the facilities through a systematic analysis: preparation, verification and revision of emergency plans, including any external coordination procedures that may be necessary.

We defend freedom of association and recognize the value of collective negotiation, which is why we maintain a fluid relationship with the Worker’s Legal Representation to reach beneficial agreements for all parties involved.

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We provide a safe, healthy and inclusive work environment. We believe that diversity, equity and inclusion add strength and balance to our workforce.

Effective equality among all people is one of the fundamental pillars of our business strategy and the articulation of our commitment to society. At Lluch Essence we believe that the progress of people should be based on effort, talent and merit, and that the elimination of all discrimination contributes to building more capable and advanced companies and societies.

We declare our commitment to the establishment and development of policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, as well as groups at risk of exclusion.

 The promotion and encouragement of measures to achieve internal fairness is based on raising awareness among employees through positive actions carried out through our multidisciplinary team that oversees our Equality Plan and compliance with the General Law on Disability.

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Professional growth

We believe that the commitment of our employees is essential to achieve business success, applying comprehensive models that enhance the commitment, development and growth of our team, involving them both with the company and with the challenges and objectives of the business.

We offer training, networking opportunities as well as tools and constant support to help our team develop their skills and grow personally and professionally.

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Donation campaigns

As a socially responsible company aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, we believe that companies can be an agent or driving force relevant to society, such as social inclusion, and the environment, by contributing through their participation in donation campaigns and by establishing an alliance with specialized foundations.

We have been actively collaborating for years with several foundations such as the Banc dels Aliments Foundation, Formació i Treball, Sant Joan de Déu, Amics de la Gent Gran or the SAO El Prat center, Eurofirms, Fundació Maria Pou, Grupo Sifu, Fundació Educo and Envera.


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Human rights

We respect internationally proclaimed human rights, take responsibility for our actions and act with empathy and humility wherever we operate, ensuring that we do not violate them.

Respect for human rights is a priority for us. Following the principles of the United Nations, we promote this respect among our team, contractors, suppliers and business partners. We have a specific channel through which stakeholders can report non-compliance, as well as a process for managing complaints, aligned with the Code of Ethics.

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Each step of our journey towards sustainability is designed to minimize environmental impact through the implementation of simple actions that can make a substantial difference in the future. We take the environmental impact of our actions very seriously. We want to inspire change in the way companies behave and think about how their actions affect people and the environment, making decisions with responsibility, transparency and accountability.

Carbon footprint

We are committed to reducing the emissions generated by our activity, calculating and compensating the carbon footprint of scope 1, 2 and partially 3 and implementing actions to reduce the environmental impact of our actions.

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Solar panels and 100% green energy

We have more than 320 solar panels at our Headquarters in Barcelona, which allows the self-generation of 12.5% of the energy required by the plant. In addition, the remaining energy obtained from the grid also comes from renewable sources, making 100% of the energy we consume green.

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Sustainable supplier evaluation

At Lluch Essence we have implemented an exhaustive supplier approval process that includes the evaluation of the environmental, social and ethical performance of the supply chain, with it being essential for them to operate in a responsible and transparent manner.

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Catalog of organic products

We are committed to a more natural, organic and responsible product catalog, thus improving soil fertility, favoring biodiversity, not using genetically modified products, greater traceability and promoting social and environmental welfare.

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Commitment to Good Governance

In terms of sustainability, we promote coherence and transparency, generating a positive impact on our environment and improving our competitiveness through assertive decision-making.

We firmly oppose any form of forced or compulsory labor, child labor and discrimination with respect to employment and occupation, aligning ourselves with principles 3,4,5 and 6 of the United Nations Global Compact. Our commitment is fully aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, betting on an action plan in favor of people, the planet and prosperity.

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Key Documents

Our commitment

Since 2021, at Lluch Essence we are committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.

We have signed the IFRA-IOFI Sustainability Charter supporting a collective effort to raise the bar for sustainability in the flavour and fragrance sectors. This demonstrate our sense of responsibility and our commitment to making the difference for the planet, for people and for our business. This initiative outlines the accountable sourcing, environmental footprint, worker well-being, product security, transparency and partnerships.

Our commitment is fully aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, betting on an action plan in favor of people, the planet and prosperity. Annually, sustainable projects are defined and prioritized taking into account their involvement in the 17 sustainable development goals with an integrated and indivisible nature that encompasses the economic, social and environmental spheres.


At Lluch Essence we collaborate with committed entities with whom we share values and purposes. We unite our activities for common good, creating lasting relationships that ensure people and planet’s prosperity.
Our commitment to our collaborators, to society and to the environment is and will always be the basis of all our movements.