Mercedes Saucedo: Customer Care & Process Analyst Manager
One of Lluch Essence’s core values is service. In order to improve customer service and meet their needs more efficiently, a new position has been created within the company: Customer Care & Process Analyst.
We spoke with Mercedes Saucedo, who after a long career at Lluch Essence, assumes the role with enthusiasm.
¡Congratulations on the new position!
- How did you get to this point in your career at Lluch Essence?
When I arrived at Lluch I started by supporting the National Department and the Management Secretary. Then I went on to work with Sofia Lluch as her assistant performing secretarial and front office tasks for clients.
Later I went on to manage the Customer Service department and now I assume this new position in front of Customer Care.
- What is the objective of this new position?
The objective of this new position is to improve our customer service and satisfy our customers’ needs in a more efficient way.
Analyzing and coordinating all incidents or complaints reported to the Company, in order to ensure a continuous improvement process.
This management includes daily monitoring of the introduction of incidents and root-cause analysis and corrective actions, as well as changes in the processes involved.
- What does good customer service mean to you?
To give good customer service is to meet their needs, to meet their expectations.
- Why should customers trust Lluch Essence?
For Lluch Essence our clients are the most important thing, they are our Essence. Lluch Essence sees its clients as a partner with whom to grow hand in hand.
- What does being a Process Analyst manager involve?
Through the incidents, reviewing the possible failures in the process and looking for the best solution together with the departments involved.
In the end, incident management should lead in some cases to process improvement.
We are working together with Quality Assurance to redefine some concepts about incident management, and to reinforce those that still require an improvement proposal.
- How can customers contact you?
We have activated the email account, so that customers can remember more easily the contact for complaints, while still including their usual contacts in Lluch, such as Customer Service, Commercial or other support departments.
Thank you very much for your collaboration, Mercedes!