Lluch partners with the UIC to improve the quality of life of terminally ill patients
Lluch Essence, as a company committed to social causes and true to its values of dedication and concern for those around them, has partnered with the Clínica Universitària de Suport en Malalties Avançades i Cures Pal-liatives (University Clinic for Support in Advanced Diseases and Palliative Care) of the UIC in Sant Cugat to provide samples of essential oils, which will be used in aromatherapy sessions for severely and terminally ill patients.
This is a deeply humane and moving project, where a sensory room equipped with olfactory stimuli accompanied by images and sounds create a sense of well-being and evoke pleasant memories in an aim to help severely and terminally ill patients. Smell is the most primary sense in humans; closely linked to emotions, it has the extraordinary ability to bring back memories with a sharpness and vividness that no other sense possesses.
At Lluch Essence, we are very proud to help with this contribution, so closely related to our fascinating world of “fragrances and perfumes”.