IFEAT 2019
We were one again present at the annual meeting of IFEAT (The International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades), which took place in Nusa Dua (Bali), from September 23rd to October 3rd.
The theme of the IFEAT 2019 conference was “Naturals of Asia” and the program focused on essential oils and legislative issues in Indonesia, China, India and Vietnam. Indonesia’s unique location, situated just below equatorial waters, makes it one of the most biodiverse places in the world. The nation has an immense variety of essential oils that have been exported since colonial times.
IFEAT’s main objective is to advance and protect the interests of its members (scent and fragrance industries) in all parts of the world through international collaboration, the promotion of best practices, the dissemination of information and the provision of forums for discussion. An important activity is the IFEAT international conference, which offers multiple business and social contact opportunities. That is why IFEAT serves as an exchange for our distinguished colleagues to share their product offerings, market information, new research and future developments.
Attending companies were able to book sponsorship and advertising opportunities and exhibition stands. The conference was held at The Mulia Resort- Nusa Dua, Bali.
This year our team that attended IFEAT 2019 consisted of 11 people, who, during the 4 days of the event, had more than 320 meetings with suppliers and clients. In addition to the meeting rooms, this year for the first time, we were present at the exhibition with a stand. Of the different messages that were discussed, the promotion of the new warehouse in Malaysia stood out, along with the message that we are a global company and the best partner for our clients, generating value and offering a great reach, because “wherever you are…” you can count on us.