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Success of the Postgraduate in Perfumes and Fragrances of IQS and Beauty Cluster

On Friday, June 7, the second edition of the Postgraduate Course in Perfumes and Fragrances, organized by IQS Barcelona and Beauty Cluster, closed with great success. This postgraduate course, the first and only one of its kind in Spain, offers a comprehensive vision of the perfume industry, with the participation of renowned trainers and professionals. Its objective is to train the present and future talent of the Spanish perfume industry, providing students with an in-depth understanding of the value chain of essences, fragrances and perfumes.

We would especially like to congratulate our students, Anna Font Delgado and Masha Grishina, who, after a year of dedication and learning, presented their final project to create a perfume. A demanding jury, which included Eva Lluch, praised their teamwork. It should be noted that all the projects presented stood out for their high level and creativity.

We are very proud of the great reception of this second edition of the Postgraduate course, which has counted with the coordination of the Raw Material module by Lluch Essence, led by Henar Sánchez Navarro.

This postgraduate course provides a unique platform to acquire real and updated knowledge about the perfume industry and its creative and innovative processes. Students develop the necessary skills to improve products, lead projects and optimize commercial processes in companies in the sector.

We congratulate once again all the participants and celebrate the success of this second edition of the IQS and Beauty Cluster Postgraduate Program in Perfumes and Fragrances, reaffirming our commitment to the training of the future leaders of the perfume industry.